Vinyl Wrap Install Guide
Other Materials Recommended for Installation:

Please do not install in cold weather. Recommended temperature for installation is between 65-80 degree Fahrenheit. If vehicle had been waxed, all wax must be completely removed from the installation area before installing the item. Failure to completely remove all wax, oil, grease, and ceramic coating will not allow the vinyl to adhere properly.
- Alcohol Wipes
- Soft Cloth Towel (Microfiber Cloth Preferred)
- Squeegee with Felt Tip or Credit Card
- Hair Dryer or Heat Gun
- X-Acto Knife or Razor Blade

Please do not install in cold weather. Recommended temperature for installation is between 65-80 degree Fahrenheit. If vehicle had been waxed, all wax must be completely removed from the installation area before installing the item. Failure to completely remove all wax, oil, grease, and ceramic coating will not allow the vinyl to adhere properly.
- Clean the surface of the application area to ensure all debris, dirt, wax, or grease are removed.
- Have the vinyl pieces cut separately for better installation.
- Align and apply the vinyl piece from one end to the other. Some vinyl pieces with need to adjust for better fitment. No worries, this vinyl has air release technology. Squeegee or microfiber cloth could assist you when applying the vinyl.
- Use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat for a few seconds to smooth out the excess vinyl to tuck in corners and edges. Make sure to not overheat. Overheating can cause bubbling and damage to the vinyl. Have patience and take your time. Do not rush!
- Trim the edges with an exacto knife if needed or tuck in the excess vinyl.
(Note: Tucking the excess vinyl is better than trimming it off if possible.)
- Leave the vehicle in the sun for 24-48 hours to allow the vinyl to cure before driving.